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Å·ÃÀÉ«ÇéƬ Blue Print Program

Å·ÃÀÉ«ÇéƬwn College is committed to providing our students a quality education that will help them develop leadership skills, better their well-being and connectedness, and enhance relationship building. The Å·ÃÀÉ«ÇéƬ Blue Print program provides students with a roadmap for this journey, acts as a bridge between campus and local communities, fosters life skills, and creates professional connections that extend outside the classroom.


Program Completion Outcomes

A student may choose to participate in the co-curriculum formally for recognition in the following ways:

  • Certificate of Completion – Complete at least 100 units in a domain by participating in activities pre-designated by SLD across the learning objectives. Ten (10) units of the 100 must be completed through Reflection Circles. Students who achieve their Certificate of Completion will be recognized each spring at the Student Award Ceremony!
  • Blue Jay Blue Print Award - Complete at least 400 total units prior to degree completion, with at least 100 units being completed in each domain. Students who achieve their Blue Jay Blue Print Award will be recognized each spring during the Commencement Ceremony!

How Activities and Units are Determined:

All eligible programs will be assigned a domain and unit quantity agreed upon by the program planner and Dean of Students. Unit distribution will be based upon the frequency and level of participation required. Below is a general outline for determining units:

Event or Program Type Unit Distribution
Participant - Awareness Building - may be a drop in, may not be an hour long, etc. 
Participant - One-time event 
Participant - One-time event with an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue 
Participant - One-time activity, significant time commitment (conference, retreat, Into the Streets, etc.) 
Leadership - Student Leadership Position - RA, CA, Kinesis, Ubuntu, Peer Mentor (training and ongoing engagement) 
30 per year 
Leadership - Student Assembly, Club or Organization Executive (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, team captain) 
20 per year 
Student Employee - Tutor, ITS, Bowers Center, Blue Jay Ambassador, Dining, Office Assistants, etc. 
20 per year 

Reflection Circles:

  • Reflection Circles will be one hour in-person group reflections, with a maximum of 10 participants. The facilitators will have a list of questions, and each participant will answer each question. Students must complete one Reflection Circle within each domain. Each Reflection Circle is worth 10 units.

Getting Credit For Participation

  1. Attend or participate in a Blue Print-recognized program. All recognized programs will have a unit total and domain listed in its promotional materials. Contact the program planner if you have any questions.
  2. Check in for your program using the Jays App and the assigned program code. Students must have the Jays App downloaded on their mobile device to participate in the program. Students will be able to generate a record of the activities in which they’ve participated in.

Unit Adjustments for Classes 2023, 2024, 2025

For the initiation of this program, Basic Certification of completion in each domain will remain the same at 100 units. The requirements for the Blue Jays Blue Print Award is as follows:

  • Class of 2023 Blue Print Award: total of 25 units in each domain, with one reflection activity in any domain.
  • Class of 2024 Blue Print Award: total of 50 units in each domain, with two reflection activities in two separate domains.
  • Class of 2025 Blue Print Award: total of 75 units in each domain, with three reflection activities in three separate domains.

Sign Up for the Program

Current Å·ÃÀÉ«ÇéƬwn Students can sign up for the Blue Print Program .
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Well-Being & Connectedness

Define personal, holistic health and make choices that support wellbeing.

  • defines holistic health to include the following aspects of wellbeing: social, physical, nutritional, financial, emotional, spiritual, environmental, intellectual
  • understands mental health as a core component to wellbeing
  • explores issues of purpose, meaning, and faith
  • articulates the relationship between wellbeing and accomplishing goals
  • articulates the values and principles involved in personal decision-making
  • makes purposeful decisions balancing education, work, and leisure time
  • identifies the effects of behavior choices on one's own wellbeing
  • identifies campus and community resources that contribute to holistic wellbeing as preventative or in time of need
  • develops personal financial literacy
  • identifies effective time management skills 

Develop self-worth, individuality, and independence.

  • identifies and commits to important aspects of self
  • develops and articulates personal belief system
  • define one’s own social identity and culture
  • develops strategies to manage time effectively
  • develops strategies for managing personal finances\
  • exhibits self-reliant behaviors
  • acts in congruence with personal identity, ethical, spiritual, and moral values

Create a shared sense of community and accept individual responsibility for the well-being of the community.

  • understands roles of identity and spirituality in personal and group values and behaviors
  • recognizes social systems and their influence on people
  • critiques, compares, and contrasts various belief systems
  • affirms and values the worth of individuals and communities
  • engages in behaviors and contributes to environments that promote wellbeing and reduce risk
  • exhibits behaviors that advance the health and wellbeing of communities
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Civility & Curiosity

Seek understanding and create respectful dialogue across difference.

  • recognizes one’s own capacity to create new understandings from learning activities and dialogue with others
  • identifies important problems, questions, and issues;
  • seeks new ideas and perspectives
  • treats others with respect and prioritizes the dignity of others
  • identifies and exhibits advocacy skills behavior
  • manages interpersonal conflicts effectively
  • engages in critical reflection and principled dissent
  • understands and participates in relevant governance systems

Develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for academic success and lifelong learning.

  • uses multiple sources of information and their synthesis to solve problems
  • makes meaning from experience
  • personalizes learning
  • assesses assumptions and considers alternative perspectives and solutions
  • integrates mental, emotional, and creative processes for increased insight;

Explore purposeful life work.

  • explores intersections of passion, career and calling
  • articulates and makes plans to achieve long-term goals and objectives
  • articulates rationale for personal and educational goals and objectives

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Leadership & Service

Identify and develop their personal leadership style.

  • listens attentively to others and responds appropriately
  • explores personal strengths and areas for development
  • seeks critical feedback from others and responds appropriately
  • seeks understanding of strengths of others and how those interact with one’s own strengths
  • demonstrates skill in guiding and assisting a group, organization, or community in meeting its goals
  • exhibits democratic principles as a leader or group member
  • assumes leadership positions

Develop an understanding of servant leadership.

  • articulates leadership as a function of service to others
  • solicits and utilizes feedback and resources from multiple cultural perspectives to make inclusive, equity-minded decisions and inform direction
  • seeks to dismantle oppressive power structures
  • frames communication with respect to diversity of learning styles, varied individual communication abilities, and cultural differences, centering the needs of others
  • communicates a vision, mission, or purpose that encourages commitment and action in other
  • motivates and inspires others by encouraging, empowering, and building trust

Integrate classroom learning with community engagement in partnership with local agencies.

  • participates in service/volunteer activities that are characterized by reciprocity
  • reflects upon service activities
  • develops understanding of the ethic of solidarity as a method of enacting change (understanding of privilege and power, building relationships across difference, and enacting structural change)

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Equity & Diversity

Develop an understanding of how identity impacts one's experience and sense of belonging in one's environment.

  • articulates an understanding of diversity, equity and belonging based upon an understanding of the following concepts: power, privilege, identity, unconscious and conscious bias, oppression
  • identifies privileged and oppressed identities, naming concrete examples of privilege
  • defines one’s own social identity and culture
  • possesses knowledge of other identities and cultures
  • defines intersectionality and how intersecting identities uniquely impact individuals and groups of individuals
  • engages in behavior that affirms and celebrates one’s own culture and the culture of others
  • rethinks previous assumptions
  • expresses openness to new ideas and perspectives

Commit to acting in ways that challenge oppressive systems, reduce barriers, and promote belonging for those holding marginalized identities.

  • identifies and challenges language and other behavior that is harmful to people holding marginalized identities
  • reflects upon critical feedback and integrates into new patterns of behavior
  • discovers and utilizes resources for reporting harmful behavior
  • identifies systemic barriers to equality and inclusiveness, then advocates and justifies means for dismantling them

Commence on a journey of global understanding, truth-telling, and transforming relationships.

  • recognizes and exhibits interdependence in accordance with environmental, cultural, and personal values
  • seeks involvement with people different from oneself
  • articulates the advantages and impact of a diverse society
  • elevates the voices of historically oppressed individuals and groups

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I went to a program that didn’t have a check-in?

Be sure to obtain verification that you were there from the program planner and have them send an email to Nichole Gonzalez, Dean of Students.

How do I know for what category my program counts?

Each program should have the point total and category listed in it’s promotional materials. If you have a question about a program you’re attending, first check in with the program planner and ask if they can help you.